Frez Loadit

Frez Loadit  Services has grown and placed itself as the best service provider in the Courier Industry in UK with its assurance of 8 years of expertise. We have already filed our presence with our exclusive and largest network in the courier industry in UK. We have created good relations among all around us and with the company by valuing the one-to-one link. We aim at doing things differently to create a revolution in customer service to keep all of us smiling with satisfaction.

The founder Rajendra C who is a enthusiastic and long visionary personality has started a small unit of courier services 8 years ago. Today Frez Loadit Services has reached the top of being a genuinely professional courier company, having today the infrastructure for bulk delivery both nationally and internationally, with a strong workforce and a network of offices spread globally.Frez  Loadit Services has come a long way in providing total solutions for a broad spectrum from individuals to leading Public Sector Undertakings, Government Bodies, Corporate, MNCs, Educational and Financial Institutions.

The real attribute to the success of Frez Loadit Services is its willingness to upgrade the systems with changing times and also to incorporate fresh and innovative ideas to make its presence felt. At Frez Loadit Services the advanced Hub-and-spoke system with warehousing and storage facilities, modern communication network and a large fleet of vehicles backed by a dedicated team of professionals truly proves that their claim “We care…. for your valuables” is the quintessence of their business philosophy